Na fontanama opet bacački spektakl!


Zagrebačke fontane i ove će godine ugostiti spektakularno natjecanje u bacanju kugle. U ponedjeljak, 5. rujna u 18.30 sati na prostoru ispred Nacionalne i sveučilišne knjižnice bit će održan 2. Memorijal Ivana Ivančića.

Organizatori Hanžekovićevog memorijala za večer uoči mitinga najavljuju još atraktivnije natjecanje negoli prethodnih godina, budući da je pozornica na kojoj će bacati najbolji svjetski kuglaši bogatija za tri nove fontane. Slika koja će u izravnom prijenosu otići u 70 zemalja svijeta bit će, tako, uistinu impresivna. Baš kao što su to već godinama rezultati bacača kugle na Hanžeku – rekord mitinga Christiana Cantwella je 22.22 metra!

Budući da je Memorijal Ivana Ivančića već zauzeo važno mjesto u kalendaru Svjetske atletske federacije – lani smo pokraj fontana vidjeli rekord Oceanije Toma Walsha i svjetski juniorski rekord Konrada Bukowieckog – arhitekti su nastojali novo bacalište što bolje uklopiti u obogaćeni ambijent.

Tako je sada bacalište svojevrsni amfiteatar, s tri strane okružen stepenastim tribinama.


Privremena startna lista djeluju uistinu zastrašujuće: Ryan Crouser, Joe Kovacs, Tom Walsh, Tomasz Majewski, Frank Ellemba, Stipe Žunić…, sve redom medaljaši i finalisti Olimpijskih igara u Rio de Janeiru! Uz, dakako, preostalu dvojicu naših vrsnih kuglaša – Filipa Mihaljevića i Nedžada Mulabegovića.

Evo kako je bilo lani!The Zagreb fountains will be the venue of the spectacular shot put event again. The 2nd Ivan Ivančić Memorial will be held in front of the National University Library on Monday, 5 September 2016.

The organizers of the Hanžeković Memorial announced an even more attractive event than in the previous years, as there are three new fountains in the area where the world’s best shot putters will compete. The images that will go to 70 countries throughout the world in the live broadcast will be really impressive – as have been the results of the shot putters at the Zagreb Meeting for years – Christian Cantwell’s meeting record is 22.22 m!

As the Ivan Ivančić Memorial already has an important place in the IAAF calendar – last year, we saw a new Oceanian record set by Tom Walsh and a new world junior record by Konrad Bukowiecki – the architects tried to fit the throwing field in the newly developed area as well as possible. According to announcements, besides Croatia’s best shot putters, the event should include most Olympic finalists from Rio de Janeiro.

On the previous Start List are Ryan Crouser, Joe Kovacs, Tom Walsh, Tomasz Majewski, Frank Ellemba, Stipe Žunić….

The 66th Boris Hanžeković Memorial, another spectacular event, will be held at Mladost Sports Centre a day later.