Pripreme u punom jeku za još jedan spektakl na Mladosti

Svibanj je mjesec u kojem se na scenu vraća Kraljica sportova, atletska sezona krenula je u Aziji, Dijamantna liga otvorena je u Dohi, neki sportaši su upoznali stadion u korejskom Daeguu koji će u kolovozu ugostiti Svjetsko prvenstvo, a hrvatske vedete Blanka Vlašić i Sandra Perković u lov na dijamante kreću u Šangaju.
May is the month, in which the queen of sports returns to the scene. The athletics season started in Asia, the Diamond League got underway in Doha, some athletes got to know the stadium in Korea’s Daegu, which will host the World Championships in August, and Croatia’s stars Blanka Vlasic and Sandra Perkovic are starting their hunt for diamonds in Shanghai.

Međutim, vrhunac atletske sezone u Hrvatskoj dogodit će se devet dana nakon završetka Svjetskog prvenstva. IAAF World Challenge Zagreb ove godine je na rasporedu 13. rujna, a pripreme za popularni Hanžek su u punom jeku. Direktorica Ivana Brkljačić istaknut će da u ovim kriznim vremenima neće biti razbacivanja, ali da će miting na Mladosti zadržati razinu jer menadžer Daniel Wessfeldt obavlja pregovore s vrhunskim atletičarima i atletičarkama koje će ove godine oduševljavati tradicionalno ispunjene tribine stadiona uz Savu.

Letvica je postavljena visoko, lanjski miting bio je najbolji u 60-godišnjoj povijesti, ali kao što Blanka Vlašić, zaštitno lice Hanžeka, leti preko letvice, tako organizacija ove godine namjerava preletjeti prošlogodišnji domet. Zagrepčani će 13. rujna sigurno moći uživati u vrhunskoj atletici, najveće natjecanje koje se održava svake godine u glavnom hrvatskom gradu, postavilo je standarde od kojih se ne odustaje.

Naravno da se očekuje kako će najveće zvijezde i ove godine biti Blanka Vlašić i Sandra Perković, da će se na Hanžeku moći predstaviti i brojni talenti jer ovo je miting koji mora promovirati i hrvatsku atletiku. Ali to sigurno neće biti sve, u mjesecima koji dolaze bit će puno dobrih vijesti od menadžera Wessfeldta koji ponovo sprema iznenađenja na startnim listama.

Discipline IAAF World Challenge Zagreb 2011.


  • 100 m
  • 400 m
  • 1.500 m
  • 3.000 m zapreke
  • 110 m prepone (Memorijalna utrka Boris Hanžeković)
  • Skok u dalj
  • Bacanje kugle
  • Bacanje diska
  • Bacanje kladiva


  • 100 m
  • 200 m
  • 400 m
  • 800 m
  • 100 m prepone
  • Skok u vis
  • Skok s motkom
  • Bacanje diska


May is the month, in which the queen of sports returns to the scene. The athletics season started in Asia, the Diamond League got underway in Doha, some athletes got to know the stadium in Korea’s Daegu, which will host the World Championships in August, and Croatia’s stars Blanka Vlasic and Sandra Perkovic are starting their hunt for diamonds in Shanghai.

However, the athletics season in Croatia will reach its pinnacle nine days after the end of the World Championships. The IAAF Zagreb World Challenge will take place on 13 September 2011 and the preparation for this popular Meeting is in full swing. Meeting Director Ivana Brkljacic points out that money will not be thrown around, but the Meeting will maintain its high level, as Meeting Manager Daniel Wessfeldt is negotiating with top athletes, who will delight the audience in the traditionally packed stands of the Mladost Stadium.

The bar is set high; last year’s Meeting was the best in its 60-year long history, but as Blanka Vlasic, the marquee name of the Zagreb Meeting, flies over the bar, so are the organizers planning to fly higher than last year. Zagreb’s citizens will certainly have an opportunity to enjoy top athletics on 13 September; this annual competition taking place in Croatia’s capital has set such standards, which cannot be given up.

Of course, we expect that Blanka Vlasic and Sandra Perkovic will be the greatest Croatian stars this year again and that numerous Croatian talents will have an opportunity to present themselves at the Zagreb Meeting, which must also promote Croatian athletics. But this will certainly not be all; in the months to come, many pieces of good news will come from Meeting Manager Wessfeldt, who is preparing surprises on start lists again.

Events at the 2011 IAAF Zagreb World Challenge


  • 100 m
  • 400 m
  • 1.500 m
  • 3.000 m steeplechase
  • 110 m hurdles (Boris Hanzekovic Memorial Race)
  • Long Jump
  • Shot Put
  • Discus Throw
  • Hammer Throw


  • 100 m
  • 200 m
  • 400 m
  • 800 m
  • 100 m hurdles
  • High Jump
  • Pole Vault
  • Discus Throw